12 Days of Reminiscence #5 – “UGH.” of the year

(This is a part of the series of posts, 12 Days of Christmas, done in my own way.)

arminThis is just the opposite of Day 6–the list of anime which failed to meet my good expectations. Anime that betrayed me. Hidoi. 

Rant mode, on!

4. Glasslip

Little glass art scenes. Too much Kakeru and his clones (lolwut) = running = Jonathan = memories = stalking = nothingness. I’m so good at math that this can only equate to nothing. Only Sachi was good to look at. Not that she made the series any good nor she did anything remarkable.

Too cool to do anything


3. Mekakucity Actors


No, I didn’t know a thing about the source material nor the music videos nor the songs by Jin. No, I didn’t know a thing, though I did watch Kagerou Days PV (but didn’t get further than that to understand what it was about nor know about the whole franchise). But there was a hype! A rainbow-colored one! They looked like a bunch of colorful outcasts finding their place to belong. And people said the story’s awesome!

… and I thought this was gonna be cool. No. Not cool. So much for the hype.

Unfortunately for someone whose attention span is only 15 minutes and who had no background on the franchise, this anime was intentionally and specially made for those who have spent hours in their lives trying to decipher the color coded stories and songs. In other words, it’s rather unwise to watch this without knowing what Heat Haze Days is all about from the manga and music videos. Now, that’s real storytelling and pacing. There could have been a better way to do it.

2. La Corda d’Oro: Blue Sky

I can’t believe that I actually once believed that this series will be really good since its predecessor, La Corda d’Oro primo passo, was one of my early anime favorites. Although secondo passo wasn’t anything really special, it was not particularly terrible either.

What did I get from Blue Sky? Close to nothing, except for a bunch of hate towards the show. You get the typical weak reverse harem lead, surrounded by a bunch of “hot” classical musician guys who aren’t worth remembering, by the way, because they’re basically birds of the same feather. And the plot? Was there even one? I only remembered the story jumping from one place to another.

And oh, if you’re looking for classical music, this anime isn’t the right title to pick up. It might even be better to just tune in to YouTube.

1. Akame ga Kill!

Yeah, aniki! As if that isn’t obvious!

I love the manga and have been following it even before the news about the anime adaptation spread. How could an action-packed manga have its reputation ruined by a 2 cours anime whose production values look so good (though, of course, it’s not simply a matter of production; it’s also a big matter of execution)?

Let’s just pretend this anime never happened. Yup.



17 responses to “12 Days of Reminiscence #5 – “UGH.” of the year

  1. Started watching all of these, but never got around to watching further than episode 1. Lost interest. I can see what you mean. Hidoi ne.

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